Meet the Herd

White Suri
Loki is named after the god of mischief, and he certainly lives up to his name! He's a cheeky chap and loves company. His favourite things are selfies and kisses. Usually at the same time.
He's also very handsome and oh boy, does he know it! He enjoys using an elevated section of the field as a plinth, on which he poses for guests to show off his good looks.

White Huacaya
Stala is an elegant and gentle girl who stands out in the herd by virtue of her rich light fleece. She was the first alpaca to join the herd.
She enjoys human company but unfortunately for all involved, her first reaction upon being touched is to violently sneeze. Still, she enjoys being fed by hand and will happily hang out with people so long as they are calm around her.
She is less keen on hanging out with Vimto however, as much spitting ensues when the two are together.
Her distinctive good looks delight everyone who visits, although the eagle-eyed and those of a certain age will notice that she shares her hairstyle with 1980's era David Bowie...

White Suri
Gino is an elegant and friendly alpaca. He likes to hang around with his mate, Loki, but doesn't mind a bit of human company too! His extreme excitement around humans can lead to extreme consequences, which are usually accompanied by a noxious smell.
He occasionally gets into fights with Loki and can be quite grumpy when he feels like it. He usually shouts various things at Loki in a mumbling grunt. We refrain from translating them for guests, as we suspect the English equivalent involves liberal use of a word beginning in F...

Brown Huacaya
Whiskey is a strong-willed but friendly girl who enjoys greeting guests with a cute nod of her head - her way of saying "hello!".
She has the softest, exquisitely velvety nose which you can often feel when hand-feeding her.
When she decides to run across the field however, she is less than elegant - her run having more in common with a Rhino's charge than the graceful gait expected of a well-bred alpaca.

Jet Black Huacaya
Spitty Vimto is one of the leaders of the girls group, being one of the elders of the herd. She makes sure she gets her fair share of food and you will often find her with her head in a bucket.
Watch out for her alarm call, a kind of failing fire siren sound, which she makes whenever she sees something she doesn't like the look of. This includes wheelbarrows, dogs, pheasants, Toyota Land Cruisers, people getting out of cars, people getting into cars, freak gusts of wind and many other things...

Brown Huacaya
Lilibet is a beautiful girl with a stunning colour combination. She is slightly shy and likes to stay close to her mum, Poppy.
However, once she is comfortable, she will come close to visitors and will occasionally feed from them.

Brown Huacaya
Copper is an amiable fellow and he prefers to let his friends take the lead most of the time.
But when he feels comfortable, he can be one of the most charming alpacas on the herd. It takes a while to win his trust, but it is very rewarding when he responds.
He tends to stay out of the squabbles between his mates Loki and Gino. He's too chilled out for things like that.
Peace, man...

Black Huacaya
Fizz is a mummy's girl, sticking close to her mum, Vimto, who has serious attachment issues when it comes to her babies. Social services on standby...
She is a cute and friendly girl, although she likes to take her time before she gets close to visitors.

Brown/White Huacaya
Mocha is a friendly girl who is often curious to understand what humans are doing on the farm.
She can be quite feisty at times, a trait she inherits from her Mum, Vimto. She chomps through food like Pac Man on steroids and spits it back out again if challenged by another alpaca with the force of a sub-machine gun.
Check out her beautiful eye lashes and eye liner. She's always dressed for a night on the town.

Jet Black Huacaya
Poppy is a laid back girl with one major character flaw - she eats far too much and far too quickly, which means we have to be careful how much food we give her. Once she pops, she can't stop.
She is friendly and sociable and is often to be found at the front of the herd when guests arrive.

Brown Huacaya
Lynx is a handsome boy bred from some very impressive bloodlines, hence his striking good looks.
We are hoping he will be our resident farm stud for breeding in years to come.
With this in mind he is currently learning a series of chat-up lines, listening to a lot of Barry White records and getting fit, ready for his career as a hired lover.

Tia Maria
Brown / Black Huacaya
Tia is a feisty and quite often, naughty girl. This is not a surprise, given her mum is Mocha and her grandmother is Vimto!
Her favourite activity is bouncing around the field and jumping on the rest of the herd, something that is known in alpaca world as "pronking"!
She has a habit of giving us the "side-eye" look, usually in bemusement at whatever it is we're doing at the time.

Black Huacaya
Fleur is a very friendly and cute girl with doleful. slightly sad eyes. She was hand reared as her mother, Daisy, died only a few months after giving birth to her.
She loves being fed from a wooden spoon, as this was the only implement we were able to use to get her eating hard food shortly after Daisy departed.
In common with her Mum, she is an eccentric character and something of a loner in the herd. She enjoys exploring and can sometimes be found behind the shop table or inside the marquee.

Brown Huacaya
Coco is a very quiet and reserved member of the herd. She prefers to watch what's going on from the back of the group but once she gets confident she will come up to the front!
You can spot her by her brown fleece and cute velvety nose. She has the lighter fleece out of her friends Whiskey and Mocha.